Oil pump gears
These new oil pump gears require a slight modification of your rear main bearing cap, please note machining options below.
When the output from an oil pump drops off below a certain point, oil pressure will decay over several hours of operation even though all bearing clearances are normal. When this condition occurs, the problem is seldom excessive wear on the oil pump gears themselves, but wear within the housing of the rear main bearing cap in which the gears rotate (including the four holes in the housing which serve as bearings for the rotating shafts of the gears). By making these new gears (and the shafts on which they rotate) slightly oversized, your housing can be machined to restore new tolerances between the housing and the gears as well as around their shafts.
If your local machine shop is not equipped to machine your rear main bearing cap we ask that you not purchase the gears on our web store, instead email: sales1@moyermarine.com for machining pricing and instructions where to ship your oil pump housing. This machining service includes a confirming test of the pumps performance after machining and installation of the new gears plus a new housing gasket.
Manufactured in the USA